2nd Quarter Goal

Grade: A+

I’m going to work hard to get A+ in everything. I’m going to write down what I’m going to do for blog post and commenting before I start to work on it so that I have an Idea on what I’m doing. Then after I’m done writing it down in my reading notebook, I will bring everything to do with reading and start my blog post. I will also work on getting more time in on IXL. I will set a timer on my phone for 40 minutes instead of 30.

Book Challenge Goal: 30

I’ve read 2 books which isn’t a lot but I have read tons of half of books. I think I’m going to start bringing books for home to school and when I get home I’m going to bring my book home and read my 20 minutes of reading with that book.

Classroom Expectations:

I’m going to work on getting all of my homework done that night or the next night if I have a lot of homework. I’m going to assign 1 hour for each piece of homework. I will also set a timer to make sure have 1 hour for each.


My parents can make sure to remind me to study and work on homework pages. Mr. Brown can also remind us in class to read 20 mins, do IXL for 30, blog post, and commenting.

Goal Reflection:

I did fulfil my goals by getting all of my work done the 1st – 3rd day of being assigned, I earned an A+ which was my goal, and I do 40 mins of IXL every week.

Dear Mr. Brown,

Thank you so so much for this year. It by far has been the best year at St. Cecilia’s. Thank you for the candy, books, kindness, and projects we did this year. I am pretty sure I can say this for everyone that we will miss you TONS. I loved this year and I will forever cherish it!

White Bird

I think the grandma is frustrated after ‘300 children were separated from their parents as part of Trump’s “Zero Tolerance” policy,’ “Non, no, no. It cannot be. How? How can this be happening? Have we learned nothing?” Then a bird came to the window and it reminded me of Julian, “*tap tap* hmm? *tap tap tap tap tap*” And then she starts smiling so I think she also thought that that was Julian.

White Bird

Julian seems gratifying. He seems gratifying because he wanted to write about his grandma, “I want to write about you… and Tourteau, Grandmere. … I know you told me the story before. … …but this time I’m going to record you …” He was also worried about his grandma because he thought that he upset her, “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to upset you.”

“Ghost Boys” Final


I gave this book 5 stars because I can relate to it a lot, especially when I’m watching the news. The book also gave great detail and I can just imagine getting shot like that, the pain, how it felt, and how it sounded.

My favorite character is Eddie

Although Eddie was a bully to Carlos and Jerome, he made a truce with Carlos. He and his friends also added a lot of drama and suspense to the book.

When Jerome said he ate in the boys bathroom

It make me laugh out loud when he said that just because that’s kind of unusual. It was also sad to read in my opinion because he feared he would get hurt or bullied by Snap, Eddie, and Mike.

“ghost boys” pg. 204

I think Carlos is one of the sweetest boys in a book I have ever read. According to the text, he and Eddie form a truce, “Feet planted strong, Carlos says, ‘Kim es mi familia.’ Fiercely he repeats, ‘ Ella es mi familia.’ Eddie offers his hand. ‘Bueno. Con respeto.’ he says loud enough for everyone to hear. Some kids stop, peer; others keep walking, thier heads down. ‘Con respeto.'” He also comforted Grandma, ” Carlos and Kim wave at Grandma. Eddie, Mike, and Snap–walk close behind them.

Ghost boys pg.123

I think Carlos was shrewd (smart) but doltish (dumb). According to the text Carlos was holding up a (toy) gun, “Carlos waves the gun wildly, pointing at Eddie, Mike, and Snap. I should have known better. Friends get you in trouble.” In my opinion I think its doltish because both Carlos and Jerome could have gotten in serious trouble.

Ghost boys 1 – 34

I think grandma is astonishing. On piece of text evidence that made me think she is astonishing is that the author made is seem like the grandma could see ghosts, “Grandma gets out of the car first, then Kim, Ma, Pop. Then me. Grandma whispers at the air, ‘Time to get going boy. Time to move on.'” And also, ” Grandma hums gospel and wherever I move, she seems to know. She looks at me standing near the television.” I think that the grandma is close to death which is why she can sort of see Jerome.

The Night san juan summary

The Night San Juan by Lulu Delacre describes how 3 sisters successfully made it possible for a boy to play with them by thinking of an idea to return a ball and ask the grandma to let him go to the beach. In the beginning, the 3 girls wanted to play. So, they asked about the boy playing outside. Next, they had a really good idea. Grandma didn’t like when the boy played outside. The girls asked if the boy could go outside and the boy was allowed to play.

Hope in the Holler


I gave this book 2 stars because in my opinion, the book was kind of boring. I did like that the book included adventure and mystery though! I would recommend this book to people who don’t get impatient mostly because you have to wait a little to see what happens at the very end of the book.

My favorite character is Camilla

She is always on top of things and when Wavie didn’t want to read the note, she stepped in and read it for her. She is also really smart.

When Samantha Rose took Wavie

It was kind of like Samantha was hiding something but she was covering it up really well.

“Hope in the Holler” Ch. 6-24

I think Wavie is still really sad about her mom, but she is also mad at her. I would imagine that she is also feeling guilty about being mad at her mom. Here is one example of her being mournful, “I wrapped myself in Mama’s blanket and rocked back and forth on my bed, chanting, ‘Please let this be a dream, please let this be a dream, please let this all be a dream,’ until long after I heard the party end. And this is an example of her being aggrieved, “It wasn’t just that Mama had tried to get rid of me, which was bad enough; it was also that she hadn’t told me a thing about it. We had shared everything.